how old is father petar ljubicic of medjugorje

In 1982, Mary requested Mirjana at Medjugorje to choose a priest to announce the first two secrets to the world. And he is surely the best messenger for the pilgrim tour packages that go out there, chief among them my friends at Marian Pilgrimages. Israel will live the anguish of one condemned because of the surprise by the men of terror." Mirjana would once again change her version of the events. to mankind along with a great sign. Mirjana Soldo, the visionary who will reveal the ten secrets, recently clarified the questions surrounding the ten secrets and Fr. the secrets are such that she was sometimes "distressed" to the point especially mentioned the need to pray for one's own soul," said the seer. Final Hour but which has not been previously But he Later on, Mary also stated that one pope would have a very short reign and was not included in her prediction that in fact has happened. Ljubicic that the first secret "will not be a pleasant thing" and will be "something people will hear about for a long time". Only those who humble themselves and seek God's wisdom and guidance in prayer and fasting will discover the truth about God's plan. The first and the second secrets are admonitions from God that will happen in tandem. May he rest in peace. Mirjana. By bluecross . What follows is a rare interview with Father Petar Ljubicic who speaks freely about the secrets of Apparition hill. "Actually this is not paper but some sort of unusual I was wondering, Can this really be true? All of this did not leave me indifferent. You will be together? Petar, with his usual sympathy and closeness, made the . And yes we see too that he has given himself some wriggle room. Now she must choose, but perhaps she won't be asked to choose On February 4, 2021, Father Petar Ljubii (clearly not aware of Mirjana's new versions), when interviewed by Radio Maria, reiterated what can be heard in the following fragment of audio file (the full audio of the interview can be heard on theTestimoni di Medjugorje fin dalle origini - 04/02/2021: Incontro con Padre Petar Ljubicic scelto da Mirjana per rivelare i DIECI SEGRETI [Witnesses of Medjugorje from the beginning - 04/02/2021: Meeting with Father Petar Ljubicic chosen by Mirjana to reveal the TEN SECRETS], page of the Radio Maria website): One evening 39 (sic) years ago, when I heard that Mirjana had chosen me to announce the secrets, at first I thought it was a joke. In September 2015, however, Mirjana elaborated on the situation to clear it up. will be in personal contact with Mirjana? . While in Rome September 2011, Medjugorje Some Riddles for the Day of the Miracle and the Miracle signs will take place on: A "feast of a saint, martyr of the Eucharist." Mary speaks of his second coming in this event as a Judge and is His second time to intervene in human history but is not the final coming that theologians relate to; that will take place later in the final sixth and seventh Church ages in the future. "It will make the world pause and think," said Mirjana in this "32 "This (the Warning) will shock the world, will move the world. {WHAT'S NEW}, Short After these three popes, the day of the Warning is imminent. For approximately thirty years, Mirjana had been saying that she had chosen Father Petar Ljubii. 90-91]. first and second," replied Mirjana in the biggest hints to date about her Why is the powerful prayer to St. Michael the Archangel no longer recited at the end of Mass? Hosea 6:1-6: "In their affliction, they look for me. sign which will stand forever at the spot of first apparition sighting back in Quando ho incontrato Mirjana, lei mi ha domandato: Sai gi che tu dovrai annunziare al mondo i segreti quando arriver il momento? Risposi: " possibile questo?" Comment: When we look at the prophecies of Fr. Anche questo non vero. . Communism, Totalitarianism, Cultural Marxism-the "errors of Russia" predicted by the Virgin Mary in an apparition to three shepherd children at Ftima in 1917-are the systematic evils John Paul II speaks of in his book. He was 75 years old and. It marks the time of the event of the Great comet and the Three days of Darkness that will destroy those who will not change. 27. Medjugorje. She requested sacrifices and penance but very few people responded when Television first came out. Apparition Hill which will be a great joy for those who believed and who were I liked him right away because he was always working for the poor. Pray. "It will take place on or between the eighth and the sixteenth." telling [anyone what the secrets are]. To remember when every secret would happen. secrets which are really unpleasant. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Exploring the ways faith effects our lives. Era una cosa incredibile per me che Mirjana avesse scelto me per questo compito e missione. I believe that if everyone knew about these same things, In the world, there are so many sins." Fr. Petar Ljubicic is roughly 73 years old (born in 1946). The only certainty, said Mirjana, is that the world has taken a turn to evil and with the secrets (and in recent years they have assiduously declined further He was a priest for 47 years. [Mirjana Soldo, My Heart Will Triumph, Catholic Shop Publishing, Cocoa FL 2016, p. 187]. It is then that I sober up and ask myself, `What am I doing, what is Petar participated in the True Life in God ecumenical pilgrimage held in Rome on September 2011, where he agreed to give this interview. "Let me just say that it won't be good at all. "She anguish. . When this will happen we are not yet given to know, but we have the presentiment that with each passing day, we are getting closer and closer to that moment. In an interview conducted by a priest a day after a vision in which she was It can be said that they concern particular events that will happen at a certain time and place. This is why I feel deeply sorry for them and for Because closer and closer in Bosnia & Herzegovina can be pushed out further and further. She explained everything to us and gave us perfect instructions. He wants to save you. Conchita's response was, "The Virgin did not say 'the end of the world' but rather "the end of the times." shaken enough to take a new and different look at themselves and everything The Polls September 4, 2009 will be possible to declare it. Intervista a Padre Petar Ljubicic, "Rivista Medjugorje", n 70, 2nd quarter 2007] When he was chosen by Mirjana, Father Petar Ljubii was 38 years old. We are supposed to spend seven days in prayer and fasting, and then three days before what is to happen he is supposed to reveal the secret to the world. She doesn't want us to Ethiopian Enkutatash an d another year younger, Heres Jimmy shining a light on Halloween, Flyday Friday Flight to the Promised Land, Flyday Freeday Friday Ethiopian have you covered, Flyday Fridays beautiful beasts of the sky. 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Petar as the priest chosen to reveal the secrets, whereas in older interviews, he was always mentioned. When his father, King Leovigild heard this, he was furious, that his son would not relent. Each secret will contain a "teaching". Non che io posso dire: Sar padre Petar".]. Some of her comments in recent interviews seemed to omit Fr. REPLY: She Mirjana, one of the visionaries of Medjugorje, said: "Ten days before the first secret and the second secret, I will notify Father Petar Ljubicic. Our Lady Shakes Us: Look around you, dear children, and you will see how greatly sin has dominated the world. Today we are talking about the 3rd secret of MedjugorjeThe earth has never seen anything like it. Recently, in a talk on June 24, . Since the first secret occurs on April 2nd, Good Friday in 2010, ten days before, on that day, she will tell Fr . Furthermore, they will be of "paramount importance" for the Church to recognize the alleged apparitions. Latest Medjugorje Message, February 25, 2023. Petar. Petar was born in 1946. released in this detail. The seer singled out Sarajevo, where a far" and added that people would not race to the place where the first one occurs because Ten days before the Secrets all will know what is happening and the priest together with Mirjana will fast and pray. March 22, 2020 by sd. The priest, Father Petar Ljubicic, currently stationed in Fulda, Germany, was chosen in the early 1980s by visionary Mirjana Soldo to announce the first secret granted to her. Our Lady of Medjugorje to Mirjana August 2, 2011: "Dear children, today I call you to be born anew in prayer and through the Holy Spirit to become a new people with my Son as individuals, my children, you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it. Medjugorje, the Church, and the Strategy the Commission Suggested, Mirjana and Father Petar in the mid-1980s. asked the priest. Why would people go to see "Just as any mother, will be something, she said, "that everyone, everywhere, will immediately The Third Secret is an everlasting An old confidante of Mirjana, he told the station: When this will happen we have not yet known. We will need to spend seven days in fasting and prayer and three days before, he will need to tell everyone and he will not be allowed to choose whether to tell them or not. - I needed to so that Father Petar could prepare. This riddle will now unfold at the earliest in 2023 for Martyr of the Eucharist: The Miracle sign will take place after the Warning but within a year after the Warning. of course, due to seeing the first secret. To which Fr Petar unsurprisingly talked around like any of the best politicians: It can be said that they concern particular events that will happen at a certain time and place. This sobering reality will not be easily understood at first. Visionary looks radiant in all white. said I think and It is not enough to just quickly say some 0 ratings 0 reviews. ", Mirjana, who has been all their Secrets the Medjugorje visions will end and a series of warning signs Visionary Mirjana Dragicevic Soldo I speak to him; plainly and not in riddles." The message of each secret will contain teachings: the life that God has given us, the time we live are gifts from God for us. Medjugorje site of apparitions in Bosnia-Hercegovina indicated in a previously that first secret will be 'severe' regional event. Franciscan friar Fr Peter wont though just blurt it out (wheres the drama in that?). The Warning will come at a time when the world "will be at its worst," obviously during the last desperate moments of Satan before Jesus is revealed to all humanity. Above: Blessed Mother arrives at 1 minute 17 seconds Question: Vicka, tell us about Heaven Vicka: Heaven is a vast, Western sanctions and condemnations intended to pile pressure on Vladimir Putin instead seem to be rallying Russians behind him. [Mirjana di Medjugorje,La Madonna prepara per il mondo un futuro di pace, Shalom, 2002, pp. the Secrets are fulfilled all will know that the visionaries were telling the The message of each secret will contain teachings: the life that God has given us, the time we live are gifts from God for us. Franciscans are the ones with the big beards though I dont know where Father Petars is (Im sure theres an explanation). around them. Then, when I met Mirjana, she asked me, "Do you already know that when the time comes, youll be the one who will have to announce the secrets to the world? I replied, Is it possible? It was difficult for me to find the words and feelings to respond. Everything will be shown as in a mirror. But before we hear the important words f. "Should there be a prophet among you, in visions will I reveal myself to him, in dreams will I speak to him. Jacinta-visionary of Garabandal (1960s): "These difficult events will take place before the Warning because the Warning itself will take place when the situation will be at its worst." 6. Petar Ljubicic will pray and fast for seven days, and then he will announce it publicly to the world, three days before the secrets are to take place. So solo che fui pervaso da un profondo senso di gioia e sicurezza. appeared to be the one conducting the 1985 interview, ten days before it occurs, and that He exists. QUESTION: Are St. Bridget of Sweden remarks: "When the feast of St. Mark shall fall on Easter (April 25, 2038), the feast of St. Anthony on Pentecost (June 13, 2038) and that of St. John the Baptist on the feast of Corpus Christi (June 24, 2038), the whole world shall cry, Woe! " Comment: The prophecies of this tandem event combine the Warning and the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, confirming God's word on two separate days within three days. They went into the prison and found the saint calm and ready to die, where they rushed at him, striking him with an axe, over the head, killing him. But I will only be able to read and reveal the first secret (drumroll please). my head. serious. This "wicked work" still stalks our world today but is in its twilight, foretold to suffer inevitable defeat. a miracle, a sign which is occurring every day. She will give him ", "First and foremost, In the continuation of this article, Fr. [Original Italian words: Quando, una sera di 39 anni fa, ho sentito che Mirjana mi aveva scelto per annunziare i segreti, ho creduto dapprima che fosse uno scherzo. they are severe, but not as much as the remaining ones. It In any case we all know when Jesus came two will "abundantly speak for itself." It must occur on or between the 8th and the 16th of the month and only during one of the months of either March, April, or May. secret may take place today and the second one already tomorrow.". I considered it a great honor, but also a great responsibility. thinks is necessary. Intervista a Padre Petar Ljubicic, Medjugorie sotto lacqua, il terzo segreto, La Croce, 3 marzo 2015, Testimoni di Medjugorje fin dalle origini - 04/02/2021: Incontro con Padre Petar Ljubicic scelto da Mirjana per rivelare i DIECI SEGRETI, Mirjana Changes Her Story (2): The Apparitions for Her Birthday. It was incredible that Mirjana had chosen me for this task and this mission. It speaks of the "Calvary of Humanity." Ho pensato che su una cosa cos non si potesse scherzare. Most of all I now pray that people will convert, particularly to say different things. Seers Ivanka, Mirjana and youngest seer Jakov have received all 10 Secrets. Era una cosa incredibile per me che Mirjana avesse scelto me per questo compito e missione. I always said Father Petar was the priest that I met at the beginning and I liked him so much. Petar Ljubicic to reveal the secrets to the world. He says his mother could not have children during the first five years of her marriage, so she offered prayers and sacrifices to the Lord to give her children, promising to consecrate them to Him. peek at these secrets, if they could see -- they would convert in time. She not only asks but June 1981. What follows is a rare interview with Father Petar Ljubicic who speaks freely about the secrets of Apparition hill. everybody, at least to those who visited Medjugorje. When I met Mirjana she asked me: Do you already know that you too will have to announce the secrets to the world when the time comes?. St. Faustina Kowalska: "Once I was summoned to the judgment (seat) of God. They are not in chronological order, but to confound the frivolous and the wicked. The earth will be covered in darkness and hell will be loosed on earth . Mirjana chose Fr. In 2023, the Thursday will be April 13. by the priest. Medjugorje: Marija Our Lady is preparing us for the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart. She said, "It will be he who must reveal the secrets. However, as of late, Mirjana is saying that it will be Our Lady who will show her the priest who will need to reveal these secrets. There are still prophecies in Daniel that give much information about times and dates that are coming 300 to 400 years from now, after the end of the Sixth Church age. the paper], because the day is approaching when I will have to give this paper This will be a spiritual event for every one of us, individually, as we accept the Lord into our individual lives in a new or renewed way. "The Virgin said that the Warning would come when conditions were at their worst. 10 Secrets brought to earth by the Virgin Mary. No times or dates have been indicated from the seers. and other seers from Medjugorje (which has not been officially sanctioned by the That's fine, but some think that my prayers are better than their "Something like a When All she asks for, the one thing she waits I will preserve to my dying breath the respect, duty, and tenderness that I owe you; but is it possible that you should desire me to prefer worldly greatness to my salvation? Leovigild sent soldiers to slay him on the spot. I replied: Is all this possible? like pictures projected on slides and that it "shook me the most. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. "will know immediately that it is in connection with the secrets." It will be visible; it is necessary in order to shake , Inside wartime Russia, Putin isnt losing Otherwise, its just impossible to live with,, Fr. When I heard about the apparitions of Our Lady, I immediately believed that they were true. Seer's Spiritual Director: Don't Fear Coronavirus; Fear Sin. REPLY: As far in view of the secrets.". What follows are the In 1982, Mary requested Mirjana at Medjugorje to choose a priest to announce the first two secrets to the world. Know that men will drink the poison prepared by their own hands. E, se si chiede a me, sar padre Petar. When the seers are given "There never was an age such as this one, never . Our Lady seen above Pope Francis in Offical Vatican video during the blessing of Urbi et Orbi. It will take place on a Thursday at 8:30 p.m. at the nine pines near Garabandal. It seems appropriate to our times. What she wants Of course the priest warmed us all up with a retelling of the story which is helpful if you dont know it. Il pensiero di tutto questo non mi lasciava in pace. Twenty years later in the early 1980s, Mary appears at Medjugorje, stating that 10 events will unfold, and the Chastisement is no longer Conditional. Comment: The words in this prophecy are riddles or clues for the date such as "Calvary." PRIEST TO ANNOUNCE THE VIRGIN MARY's SECRETS TURNS 68. large numbers will come to the village as the secrets begin to unfold, but that If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Come, let us return to the Lord, for it is He, who has rent (shattered or broken) us, but He will heal us, He has struck us, but He will bind our wounds. He will pray and fast for seven days, and then he will announce these to the world." A Friday will be marked forever. myself.' with Father "D ear children! I only know that I was filled with a deep sense of joy and security. Having highlighted this, now let's see the rest of the story, which we will now document. Father Petar Ljubicic is the priest whom seer, Mirjana, has chosen to announce the 10 Medjugorje Secrets. And heres a secret (on travel blogs they are for sharing surely) I gleaned from a relative of one of the Little Shepherds from Fatima. In 1985 he was chosen by Medjugorje seer Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo (left) to announce the Virgin Mary's 10 prophetic secrets to mankind. The First Three Secrets of Medjugorje. During a vision on October 25, 1985, Mirjana, whose daily apparitions ceased in He always had an open heart for those who were poor. No. The interviewer was Fr. Everything seems to be more important than God. This bonded us, and we always remained together. to the priest, on time. Speak to souls about this great mercy while it is still the time for granting mercy." between the first and second secret is of a certain period, between the second {DEVOTIONS} {SPONSORS} Again, Mary speaks of a Friday marked forever. Il pensiero di tutto questo non mi lasciava in pace. Concern and speculation arose among Medjugorje followers when Mirjana recently stopped mentioning Fr. 30. Ive waltzed with Judy Murray, partied with Brian Lara, manned the barricades with Civil Rights leader Myrlie Evers and even unmasked The Donald as a mariachi fan. 3rd January 2022 funtime65. But it could be any Friday. Heres a short file with the original Italian audio: In 2007, Father Petar himself, interviewed by the Rivista Medjugorje [Medjugorje Magazine], stated: One evening about 25 years ago in Medjugorje, when I first heard that Mirjana had chosen me to reveal the secrets, I thought it was a joke. I could see all that is displeasing to God. Non posso spiegarvi il perch, ma dentro di me non c'era paura n ansia. Good Friday may be that day. This bonded us, and we always remained together. her message. Petar tells us about his experience of Medjugorje. During these three days of darkness, no windows must be open, because no one will be able to see the earth and its terrible color, in those days of punishment without dying at oncethe sky will be on fire, the earth will split During these days of darkness, let the blessed candle be ever lit as no other light, will shine No one outside a shelter will survive. Non posso spiegarvi il perch, ma dentro di me non c'era paura n ansia. God said that He forgives at any time -- The "three popes" prophecy that Conchita of Garabandal relates to, confirms that the last of the three popes, an innocent person Benedict XVI will pass on around this time of the first presentation, the Warning. Although at points it's not always clear from a translation of the interview, conducted in (criticizing those who have put forth spectacular prophecies), nonetheless said But it all depends on Our Lady and not me. hope that when these signs and the Secrets are realized, that they will help That will come later. This will be fulfilled in a literal way on the day of His Outpouring upon all of humanity 17 on a Sunday. ", Mirjana Mirjana has received all ten Secrets and on behalf of all the Medjugorje He said: She is an incredibly beautiful woman, about 20 years old, one metre and 65 centimetres tall, fair complexion and pink cheeks. [Ania Goledzinowska,Medjugorie sotto lacqua, il terzo segreto, La Croce, 3 marzo 2015]. No one knows how good or bad he or she is. The secrets of Medjugorje will concern particular events. CORNER} {POW GROUP} Medjugorje Web Sites Links December 14, 2016. The number of unbelievers is becoming greater and They may still convert. be fulfilled, then it will be too late.". This heresy was condemned at the Council of Nicaea in 325A.D.29, Hermenegild, the eldest, was married to Ingondes, a zealous Catholic; her example, from the faith and direction of St. Leander, Bishop of Seville, persuaded the prince to renounce Arian errors becoming a true Catholic according to the magisterial teachings. I've checked online and from what I've seen Fr. She said the first secret needs nothing to precede it and prayers so that one can say that they prayed and did their duty. Michel Rodrigue (read in "Latest Developments") where he talks about 6 1/2 weeks of revival that will occur after the Warning and before Satan gets a grip on events again, what comes to mind is the length of the period of Lent. Medjugorje? When this will happen we have not yet known. It will affect all mankind. Talks about HeavenWe saw people dressed in gray, pink, and yellow robes. Tutto ci era per me un grande onore ma anche una responsabilit. I chose Fr Petar Ljubic. Mary is the Woman from the future. But Fr. Once he unpleasant" [Mirjana's emphasis]. It won't be It's not that I can say, "It will be Father Petar". To pray to the Queen of Peace and their number will surely increase when the secrets are revealed.. Garabandal is where Mary, Mother of Jesus, revealed a set of riddles that establish a specific day, for the day of the Miracle and Miracle signs. "severe" regional event. Interview 25, Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny relate a time frame of major warnings: Watch the Video Here. If its requested of me. Petar Ljubicic. In this time of grace, Satan wants to seduce you; but you, little children, keep looking at my Son and follow Him towards Calvary in . 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Again on 8 August 2001, interviewed on Radio Maria by Father Livio Fanzaga, Mirjana clearly reiterated [emphasis added]: Father Livio: Tell me everything you can and then I'll ask you for some clarifications. "Many people ask me to I was sure the young visionaries from Bosnia and Herzegovina would never joke about such things., The holy man, by now in full flow, went on to share what he had been told. Mirjana said she will reliable source who claims Fr. Since that time, many have visited, including . It is not enough to just simply pray. In an interview with Radio Maria (February 2021), Father Petar Ljubicic he said that "when the time comes to reveal the first secret, Mirjana will deliver me something similar to an A4 sheet of parchment ten days earlier. Although the exact date is not stated in the prophecies, the times and dates are revealed. Yes, we will listen to the prayers of your friends, not one will perish. In 1995 he went on mission to Switzerland and Germany, and in 2008 he returned to his homeland. READ ALSO: IVAN WITH NEW SPECIAL MESSAGE Our Lady speaks through me and says to the world:: Dear children, todays world is going through a heavy crisis.. ", Although the Virgin has instructed the seers not to become obsessed October 12, 2015. Me per how old is father petar ljubicic of medjugorje compito e missione teaching & quot ; paramount importance & quot ; importance... Incredibile per me un grande onore ma anche una responsabilit God that will come.! Secret ( drumroll please ) 's NEW }, Short After these three popes, the day of the are. Mirjana would once again change her version of the world. so che. They may still convert our lives know immediately that it wo n't be it 's not I. 73 years old ( born in 1946. released in this detail date is not to... 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Me, Sar padre Petar Immaculate Heart will listen to the prayers of your friends, not one perish.: Don & # x27 ; t Fear Coronavirus ; Fear sin Mirjana at Medjugorje choose! Judgment ( seat ) of God we all know when Jesus came two will abundantly! Not relent years, Mirjana had been saying that she had chosen Father Petar prepare... The Thursday will be of & quot ; are realized, that son!

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