hermione finds scorpius fanfiction

- . In an increasingly dangerous world, with the rise of clandestine magical groups, Albus is kidnapped. Family Traditions - My favorite Scorpius/Hermione story. But what happens when she has no more excuses to not attend her family reunion? A year after the war, Draco had been forcefully married to Astoria Greengrass. In which mightbewriting, HeyJude19, and niffizzle (henceforth referred to as mightbejudizzle) are back at it again. Harry Potter was raised by Sirius and Remus, living in London and following his dreams in the music industry. Teddy Remus Lupin is more than a Metamorphogis. She even signs his new card.Scorpius crushes big time on the former war hero. Yummy, http://www.grangerenchanted.com/enchant/vi9&chapter=1. . Teddy Remus Lupin is more than a Metamorphogis. You might not like this story even if you like my last; 4. Another one I refuse to delete because of its hilarious badness. They both got up. Until, on the first day of school, he finds out that his dad is taking on the role of 'Defence Against the Dark Arts' Professor. , , , . It's Nobody Cared by etherian linkffn (5756718). I couldn't find anything on AFF using the search function, but I do know of a few stories. Language: English. Girls were easy. He might not be the one, and she might not know it.". Ginny walked over and pulled Hermione into a tight hug, and Hermione began to cry into Ginny's shoulder. He asked, glaring at Scorpius. I'm not Hermione Granger. That made sense. Ridiculous. Ron seemed at a loss for words. My father is the Oliver Wood. I love the novel type stories the best. Albus asked me. It's hardly a cottage, more like a small castle, but Scorpius barely batted an eye. Its so goodthats what got me wanting more haha. REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN. As in, I literally cannot step past the gate; its as though an invisible wall were blocking me off. ", Ron nodded, and said, "Yes, but the Malfoy apple doesn't. There was nothing that could go wrong. 1. Chapters: And they were told they must be intimate three times a month. When Hermione hooks up with Draco Malfoy the summer after 7th year she ends up pregnant and alone. The Quidditch Player by WizardWriting. La vida trae sorpresas y noticias inesperadas, en especial para Diana Gryffin en su ltimo ao de Hogwarts. Ambos, provenientes de reconocidas familias [reconocidas por odiarse], se atreven a probar el amor y la pasin a pesar del infierno que desatar cuando muestren su relacin fuera de los protectores muros de Hogwarts. he said. ", Bettina Havendish, Lucius Malfoy and Antonin Dolohov, Harry Potter Next Generation (Rose x Scorpius). He is also a werewolf who has unusually inherited the gene from his father rather than acquired it from being bitten. This only frightened the baby on the other side so it cried even louder. ***"Molly rimase per alcuni istanti a fissare la porta vuota, interrogandosi sulla cugina.Perch Rose era sempre cos spenta e indifferente? Scorpius Malfoy never has to wonder. It will mainly follow Albus and Scorpius (again I am using different names.. sorry but also not really sorry). Ron nodded. Read the most popular scorpius stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. "I thought so. Ive helped you keep the Malfoy name out of light. He glanced over at his wife, Hermione. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Trigger warning: MATURE/SMUT, Violence, mentions suicide, homophobia, S/A. With the tension between their two families. Her whole body seemed on fire, a sweet and warm caress from the inside out. It's year four for Albus Severus Potter, who has gained popularity over the summer from the "What's wrong, mate?" Let's assume that Hermione is very well preserved :), . characterdevelopment. I barely can tie my shoes!" "Good morning Rose." Nace una nueva profeca que la une con James Sirius Potter, el chico que le rompi el corazn. Legilimens [Dramione] by Ahimadala_. (drabble), http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4693199/1/Suggestion, Seduction - Very creepy ficlet starring Insane!Scropius, http://community.livejournal.com/hp_tng/104522.html, Plotting - Drabble featuring Professor Hermione, Perspective - For some reason the link seems broken, so here's the link via Google cache,;cd=2&gl=us. As many times as Ginny had made a not-so-veiled insinuation about Hermione's intentions towards Harry, she didn't truly believe that they were sleeping together. "This better be good, Rose." Scorpius is adorable, as usual. After her divorce with Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger is now Minister for Magic and living alone. 1) It could have been expanded on. Hermione uses a dating app and stumbles on Brax Black, will he like her as Muggle Helena Richards? Hermione gets struck by Dolohov's Curse in the Department of Mysteries and that sparks a change in the relationship between Harry and Hermione. said Hermione, setting a plate of food down in front of Rose and Scorpius each. Nadie poda saber cul era la siguiente gran amenaza para el mundo mgico, pero cuando una secta comienza a tomar poder de forma silenciosa, y los secretos abundan con desesperacin, el mundo tendr que preguntarse a qu est dispuesto a renunciar por protegerse y por mantener la frgil paz de la que penden los magos. 1. Requests are open, and if you have any idea or want to read any par Hermione has not seen her family for 10 years. Simple. And sure, the twenty seven points on the parchment did carry some importance, but there was one huge, huge thing that his father had managed to keep from him.Oh, you bet it was damnably huge.And now he was fairly certain he was in love with Hermione Granger. Malfoy hires Hermione to be his son's tutor. Saw a Headcanon on Tumblr and thought eh why not? Please help. Hermione put a plate of food in front of him, and glanced at his coffee mug. An AU that takes place in the 18th Century; Draco is without a wife, Scropius without a mother. Why are you breaking into my house in the middle of the night? It's all about fluff, romance and 19 years ago, something happened between Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy - but the only one who remembers is Draco himself. . Rose siempre ha estimado mal a Scorpius, l se enamor de ella apenas la vio. At a later stage, the narrative will sometimes downright flirt with the depraved side of human existence.It may only be the beginning, but you can already see the first signs. He glanced over the top of his newspaper. His father is the reason I gag whenever I see a slug! Also, The Ramblings of A Sixteen Year Old Pureblood Wizard. Un enemigo regresa y se levanta para la tercera generacin. hermionemalfoy; grangerfamilyreunion; malfoyfamily . tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. To relieve some stress she ruins another relationship only to find out about a secret affair. The things I remember are: For whatever reason the malfoys start a muggleborn sponsorship program; they sponsor Hermione, Hermiones parents are despicable people, her mom is a social climber, Her parents do not respond to the updates the Malfoys send them, having no interest in their weird daughter, Eventually she gets adopted by the Malfoys, I think they use a blood adoption ritual and she chooses a new second name, Her parents 'get' a new daughter by using a smuggler ring (I think it was the moms brother). How will everyone react when an unexpected secret comes out? They learn a lot about each other and try to figure what their relationship is all about. I am a half-blood. "You make him sound like he's Hogwarts, 'Mione. Una historia en donde como el dulce Scorpius Malfoy tienen a todo el mundo de cabeza. I put my stupid name in the bloody Goblet of Fire. What time do they end up in? "I know Time-Turning is a thing of the past, but I hope we aren't." This year was supposed to be uneventful. "Why is this kid looking exactly like Harry but calling Malfoy - 'Mommy' ?" A long story following the next generation of wizards attending multiple years at Hogwarts post-war with Voldemort, and an outsider's perspective on the Weasley/Potter family. HarryHermione pairing. First in a series, all kind of pairings possible. There won't be any oneshots containing self harm or suicide. For the sake of the fic I made Hugo less than a year younger than Rose (Irish twins) and also a bully toward Scorpius.What happens when Rose decides to defy her brother and help the very person he torments? I don't own Harry Potter sadly. He's brave, he's loyal since they've been dating for several years with only minor troubles, like every couple has, he's smart, and he loves her, not to mention she loves him. Una historia en donde como el dulce Scorpius Malfoy tienen a todo el mundo de cabeza. Oh, and "The Beggar Thief" is a totally awesome Dramione story that has Hermione playing a mother figure to a young Scorpius. Ron finally put down his paper. Scorpius learns a secret about the head boy and feels no guilt destroying him driving him to his own death. 50,000 words long and very, very good. Like if she goes to the future or if he goes to the past or heck I can't care about the age.I read one with them together and it was good. . Ernie Macmillan. My kids are home! ", Ron snorted. "Muggles actually drink this every day?" Said boy was sitting down at his table, with Rose. Or, Albus and Scorpius' love for one another is burning bright, but they find themselves forced to hide it around Harry Potter, who is still struggling with his own trauma that just won't extinguish. The girl is forced to get perfect teeth and wear frilly dresses (they want a 'perfect' daughter). Muggle Born Magic - Part of the recent Hermione Big Bang fest. Rose Weasley is a typical Gryffindor, the best student in the course, who quite expectedly received a school prefect badge in the seventh year. Work Search: Their parents 5th year! But he wouldn't kill Professor Locke would he? No cabe duda de que el pequeo Heredero de los Malfoy es nico, todo el mundo lo ama, con su gran belleza y corazn bondadoso. Clear editor. However, after returning a new woman and after what has been three hundred years, Hermione has to reacclimatize to her old life and with it, face the impending war--against Voldemort and her own enemies, all the while fighting strange new feelings for Sirius Black. ), - , - , - , - , - . It all started on platform 9 . Hermione huffed. Ron picked up his newspaper again. There bonded, no way out, exept death. FanfictionBot 3 yr. ago. Ginny said, "You're going to tell Harry and Ron at dinner. The Summer has ended, and Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy find themselves back on the Hogwarts Express heading into their Fifth Year. She flees the country, but what happens when she comes back, and the p Hermoine has it all, an amazing husband, great kids, and a flourishing business. Better yet why was the ti Rose "Red" Weasley is pregnant. ? Pasted as rich text. But each year, the hoard of redheaded children return to Hogwarts a week late from winter break; smelling of faded sunscreen, baring crusted sea salt in their hair, their skin painted shades of brown and yellow - silent but smiling at the prying questions. She nodded, and he sighed. Albus Potter has always tried his hardest to live up to his family's name, whereas Scorpius Malfoy has always tried his hardest not to. He twisted his neck to kiss the top of her head and then lay his head on hers. To what time exactly? Albus gets to know what it means to be a Malfoy throughout his time there, and starts to understand what his relationship with Scorpius really means. (Contains a few swear words, but no mature content. Disclaimer: Most of the characters and places belong to JK Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger one shots I have written they are also published on my quotev account of the same name. Lucius Malfoy. Scorpius and Rose held hands. When scorpius ends up cheating on you and you both break up, let's say your next partner is very shocking to scorpius It was very sweet. He is a frightened little boy. Scorpius' refusal to accept the truth, and the rest of the family being a mess. Come Home-A Dramione fanfiction by Olivia. It sang to her. First Fic ever so sorry if it's shitty but the story itself is really good. Basically, this is a follow-on from 'It's a Potter Thing', where Draco shows just how good of a dad he is to Scorpius, Albus learns more about his autistic boyfriend, Scorpius introduces Albus to his extended family and they discover that - even in death - Astoria does approve of their relationship. "You STILL fancy m Albus and Scorpius go back in time to Hogwarts! Kiedy kady zwraca uwag na to kim Albus , zamiast . Please consider turning it on! (The reader is 18 in this story, also if you don't She seems to live in a world of sunlight. - , - . {REVAMPED & COMPLETED} What will happen when Harry recieves letters from his childhood enemy Draco Malfoy? Hermione Granger, a recent transfer from the Ministre des Affaires Magiques de la France, is not a fan of Quidditch. Will our girl get through? "It helps if you put cream and sugar in it, Ron." LEADING SC Ronald Weasley sipped his coffee carefully while reading the Daily Prophet. All Scorpius wanted was to warn his father about the future consequences of his past decisions, but this was seriously more than he bargained for. Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (264) Scorpius Malfoy & Albus Severus Potter (200) Teddy Lupin/James Sirius Potter (179) Scorpius Malfoy/Rose Weasley (140) . How will there arrival effe Hermione Granger has not been to the Granger family reunion in 12 years. ", Ron shook his head. Join them in their story of love, sex, and drama. English is NOT the authors first language; 2. If you have read the previous books, thank you. Pet Project by Caeria - Hermione overhears a private conversation in regards to Professor Snape that leads to an unlikely romance in this fic that has over 13,000 favorites on Fanfiction.net. "Rose is seventeen. Your previous content has been restored. Who was it and why? By Almost everyone is gay. Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter) Pureblood Society (Harry Potter) Courting Rituals. The time is the Dark Middle Ages, even with Voldemort defeated, the Wizarding world is still a place where Omegas are seen as properties.Couldnt sleep, Harry came across The Slytherin Wall of Sluts that changed the rest of his life, but the cog wheel of destiny may have started to move long before that.Twelve years later, he was confronted with the presents of destiny, and struggled to deal with the mess.However, every step he took seemed to be another mistake. Now go back out there, and apologize to that young man! Rating: M; The Contract by stellastark - Hermione is forced by law to marry Lucius Malfoy, leading to her to seek out Professor . No pwp! Most of her cousin's hate her, due to her Hermione and Draco have been missing for 13 years and get a invitation to a Hogwarts reunion. Rose and Scorpius both turned red, and shook their heads violently. They laced their hands together. A Dramione fanfiction What happens when Hermione and Draco Malfoy receive two letters one inviting Draco and his family to the class of 1998 reunion and the other inviti. I'm looking a fic with - Single father Draco Scorpius finds Hermione's pic on a chocolate frog card - keeps it under his pillow when he Press J to jump to the feed. Ron supposed they were holding hands underneath the table. Dark worldview and everyone fucked up everything; 3. He knew this thanks to the charm he had installed on her window last year. "Hmm, what did you say dear?" Enchanted Christmas: An Advent Collection by Myst867. Ron laid down his newspaper carefully. Exactly what the title says. Christmas Fluff. Aziraphale y Crowley, dos ex alumnos de Hogwarts, se han casado y formado una familia con nada menos que diez hijos. Scorpius could make them do whatever he wanted. Or 24 Christmas Prompts loosely tied together in one fic universe. O "Cmo Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy us un Giratiempo y se meti en un gran lo". , ? http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600015633. "No?" EDITING AND REVIEWING SOME PARTS. She is a pint-sized troublemaker. ALL CHARACTERS BELONG TO JK ROWLING EXCEPT Y/N. Warnings will be displayed in every chapter. Rose nodded, and looked at Scorpius. Guest JaceDamian23 He gasped. Rose leaned her head on Scorpius' shoulder. The time travel one. Go go go!] Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 10,367 - Reviews: 77 - Favs: 414 - Follows: 92 - Published: 1/10/2016 - Hermione G., Severus S. - Complete While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Ron glared at Scorpius Malfoy. Hermione Granger is a Member of the Potter Family. It was my idea originally, then Mika and I discussed it, and we decided to do two different versions of it after we wrote the first chapter together. Hermione Granger Weasley is a lost and lonely woman going through a mid-life crisis and a messy divorce. Powered by Invision Community. womensfiction. , . Slow burn Scorpius/Hermione. When they were out of earshot of the others, Hermione said, "Ron, what's wrong with him? What happens when a group of unexpected visitors turn up in a Hogwarts corridor? But with the Quidditch World Cup looming closer and closer, her feelings are compromised by the Seeker for the English National Quidditch team, Harry Potter. She's almost 41 with both work and her children taking up all the space in her life. Scorpius is adorable, as usual. , ? I'm Hermione Riddle. Please consider turning it on! Upload or insert images from URL. And Albus world is turned upside down as a mysterious dark magic falls upon Hogwarts. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. . Hermione Granger Weasley is a lost and lonely woman going through a mid-life crisis and a messy divorce. Since having Scorpius, Hermione had only . Rated M for mentions of child abuse, some swearing and mild adult situations. I'm a huge Draco/mIOne fan. Something about her eyes and fierce stance ignites his dormant feelings. Damn it. [Exactly what it says on the tin - Scorpius Malfoy x Hermione Granger. Funny, very sexy one-shot. Albus Potter grows up as a neglected child with a tendency towards darkness, but fortunately there is Scorpius Malfoy. Rose and Scorpius put their hands on the table, and began. It's Mia Dursley's third year at Hogwarts, and she and all her friends have aquired first year "little siblings". Ron glared at Scorpius. The fourth of my Albus Potter and series, and the eighth in the long Almost Happily Ever After saga of the Potter and Weasley families from after the Battle of Hogwarts, through the 19-year epilogue, and now well into Albuss years at Hogwarts. Rose is going into her 6th year at Hogwarts and Albus is tired of her and his best friend, her long-time enemy, Scorpius Malfoy, and their fighting. 11 yr old Harry misses the Hogwarts Express. "Sir, I know you don't approve of us dating-", Ron snorted. It was my fifth year at Hogwarts, I had my exams to think about but then I met Scorpius Malfoy and my whole year went to hell. Very interesting and detailed story. . Words: 39,882. Hermione's eyes went wide and she slammed the door shut again, desperate for it all to be a nightmare. "This better be good, Rose." He didn't take his eyes off the boy. "Please stop; you'll wake the neighbors.". I'm not sure which one you have read, so if it's not on this list, I'd love it if you could share the link! Thanks. I am not Muggleborn. Adopted Lily Evans. Malfoy hires Hermione to be his son's tutor. Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,772 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 127 - Follows: 18 - Published: Dec 24, 2004 - Harry P., Hermione G. No cabe duda de que el pequeo Heredero de los Malfoy es nico, todo el mundo lo ama, con su gran belleza y corazn bondadoso. I unfortunately can't remember if this is the main storyline or if there's more things happening at the same time.. He hadn't heard what Scorpius said, he was reading the Quidditch page. This is the first part of a sinister story involving (but not limited to) the slow, initially imperceptible, corruption of a mind by dark magic. Hope ya'll like it! "No one is just like their father, Ron. I'm rumored to be dating Quidditch Magazine's "Hottest Player of the Year." They help each other deal with the grief, finding solace in each other and, eventually, love. Rated M. The author has OVER 900 Harry Potter fan fictions, mostly erotic one-shots. Better her than PansyfuckingParkinson. In which one of the late Headmaster Dumbledore's last wishes was for the last years to brew an ancestral potion in Snape's potion's class and Hermione discovers a truth Hermione's Family is having a reunion, but what her Family does not know is how successful she is, and to whom she is married. Rose Weasley is a typical Gryffindor, the best student in the course, who quite expectedly received a school prefect badge in the seventh year. No, like you will probably lose intelligence if you read it. Or, this is a sequel to 'It's a Potter Thing' and 'It's a Malfoy Thing' that follows Albus and Scorpius as they try to get back into the swing of things at Hogwarts after having the best Summer together. :) "Hands where I can see them!" Drarry oneshots. ", Hermione sighed exasperatedly. This time, there's a lot of sugary sweetness involved as we explore a romantic first for every day of February. Your Clich Time Turner story but with DRARRY! Time-Travel AU. (No, he won't sign your bra).2. As their friendship grows into a deeper relationship, they face several challenges.Eventually, Draco's secrets are brought out into the open and destroy more than just Harry's life.Before Albus can work out whether he should pity the man who treated him so badly, he finds himself up to his neck in the same hole that swallowed his father.All his life Albus has been alone, all his life he has been himself; how can he make room for love when he's just about managing on his own? Or How Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy Used a Time-Turner and Royally Forked Up. Snape is sent to find out why. "You're not pregnant, are you?" (He won't either).3. Harry starts searching for his son. He didn't take his eyes off the boy. - , , - ( ? Can these two depressed souls save each other? Ron said absentmindedly. +19 more. He makes her happy. Not only does she try to handle his newly changed attitude, but will discovering Hogwart's best-kept secret get in the way? When they arrive at Hogwarts, they are determined to have nothing to do with one another. She doesn't even know that he's the one, she's only been dating him for a couple of years. Mia knows something's up with her "little sister", and she's determined to find out what it is! Display as a link instead, Paste as plain text instead, The migraines, nosebleeds, and memory lapses were concerning enough, but when Albus wakes up near the Great Hall in the middle of the night, injured and with no memory of how it happened, he can't help but start to realize that something is really wrong. I am the daughter of Dark Lord. Draco thought. scenarios about our blond ferret that I create while I'm in class :p Fluff. lords and ladies. While performing a mind reading spell in Charms class, Scorpius learns that his feelings aren't as unrequited as he'd thought. So while Ive been gawking at the palace and the sunset, hes been poking around the place, making the wards let me, a veritable party mix of genetics, further into its precious grounds. And Hermione Granger was as different as they came. Hi I'm look for stories with Mione and Scorpius as lovers. Adult-fanfiction.org , . A next-gen fic, mostly based around Lily, Hugo and Louis, as well as my OC, Mia. 3.4K 102 27. Hermione blinked. They couldn't sleep in different rooms, because their marriage had bonded them. Rose is pregnant with Scorpius Malfoy's baby, after a drunken night together. Work Search: Sometimes the apple falls really far from the tree. "Recoger los pedazos y juntarlos en uno nuevo que forme un solo corazn, eso es lo que debemos hacer". She said. Rose and Scorpius must get along, but how will they pull it off? Everyone nodded, even Hugo, Rose's little brother. What's wrong with him? Scorpius Reluctantly swaps his Cedric Diggory card for Hermione Granger. This is part 5 of The Wedding Gift.More fun and games with Harry, Draco and the Family.Take a break from the Muggle news and gloom to find out what happens next!Unopologetic. La nia apenas puede contener su emocin ante la idea de volverse una verdadera bruja, pero, las cosas sern como ella espera o su camino en Hogwarts ser un reto demasiado grande? Don't forget what his father's favorite nickname for you was. slowbuild. It is still the Summer following Albus and Scorpius' return to their normal timeline, and after spending a week together with the extended Potter family, it is now Draco Malfoy's turn to host Albus in Malfoy Manor. Ron glared at Scorpius Malfoy. Then a centaur turns up dead in the forbidden forest and Lily Luna goes missing. Hermione let out small whimper, and Harry growled in response. Stacy's Mom. Hermione Granger & James Potter are Siblings. Rose and Scorpius put their hands on the table, and began. Albus Potter can no longer wait, he wants to go to Hogwarts as soon as possible, but things don't go as planned. "Well then, what is so bloody important?" An AU that takes place in the 18th Century; Draco is without a wife, Scropius without a mother. ", Hermione shook her head slowly, and said, "Ron, can I talk to you in the other room, please?" He looked at where I was looking- the point where Lily had disappeared- and slapped his forehead. You cannot paste images directly. ", Ron shook his head. Nobody knows where the Potter and Weasley students disappear to during the holidays. 169 0 4. Leggete i tag! She is sick of being boring and dependable. Ron supposed they were holding hands underneath the table. "What am I going to do?" Hermione asked. . Note: The story takes place after the events of Cursed Child. The fic starts off rather slow because I want to set it up right. 5.9K 273 21. Many threads that I have been developing in the past seven books will come to a head in this book. Scorpius Malfoy is a typical Slytherin, the heir of an ancient pureblood family, who quite unexpectedly became the head of the school. He is painfully careful to observe all rules. Insert image from URL. Please consider turning it on! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Will it blow up in her face, or might he be just exactly what she needs? tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (14), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies) (1), Scorpius Malfoy & Albus Severus Potter (2), WTF | Winter Temporary Fandom Kombat 2021 (3), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, WTF | Winter Temporary Fandom Kombat 2023, Scorpius Malfoy/Original Female Character(s), Hermione Granger/Original Male Character(s), Rose Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy/ Draco Malfoy/ Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, WTF HP Cross Time 2021, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies), Hermione Granger/Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), WTF | Winter Temporary Fandom Kombat 2021, Hermione Granger/Fred Weasley/George Weasley. Together they get into all sorts of adventures and try to find where they belong. Every chapter has its own title and story line. I hate JK Rowling and don't support her at all. THIS IS THE SEQUAL TO "VOLDEMORTS DAUGHTER" What's wrong with him? However, when the youngest Potter son suggests that he join them during the Winter holidays of their sixth year, Scorpius knows he's in for a wild ride. James was there for him and offering bad advice, Lily was teaching him magic, but most importantly teaching him to believe in himself. (dodaam to na wattpadzie w 2019, teraz poprawiam/pisz cao od nowa i udostpniam rwnolegle na obu platformach). I am not the one you think I am. Ginny Potter sees an opportunity to help two people who deserve better. Scorpius drew in a shaky breath and said, "Sir, we're getting married, and would like your blessing.". As the workload increases, Albus finds himself beginning to struggle with his schoolwork, and Scorpius soon finds himself hitting a burnout as he tries to support Albus through his troubles. Just a bunch of small chapters about the next generation and their gay couples. Rose nodded, and looked at Scorpius. La pelirroja tambin est dispuesta a probar, a probar ms de l de lo que cualquiera ha probado.El hijo de mortfagos que siempre estuvo enamorado de la hija de hroes de guerra. What if they start to get closer during the school years, could that have ch. K. Rowling nos priv de todo lo que experimentan los alumnos de sptimo ao en Hogwarts (porque Harry Potter no lo vivi) pero, quizs, ste sea el ao ms trascendental en la vida de Rose Granger-Weasley y Scorpius Malfoy.Despus de una decepcin, Rose dej de ser la perfecta prefecta, que todos esperaban de ella, para convertirse en La Leona y, a pesar de que probablemente sea una presa ms, Scorpius se arriesga a besarla y probarla, probar que es mejor de lo que cualquiera espera. #Lovefest2023 #TeamLilithThis Portkey landed us into one of the boundaries of protective enchantments of the cottage owned by the Black family in the French countryside. What happens when these two opposites collide and realise they may not be so different from each other after all? 50,000 words long and very, very good. A pull, a longing, a desire to be filled with something that had been missing her entire life. Hermione is sick and tired of a loveless marriage. So if you came across her story, keep in mind that neither plagiarised the other. About our blond ferret that I have been developing in the forbidden forest hermione finds scorpius fanfiction Lily Luna goes missing `` Ron! Reader is 18 in this story even if you do n't forget his! Oc, Mia like your blessing. `` really sorry ) when a group of unexpected visitors turn in..., Draco had been forcefully married to Astoria Greengrass would he story of love,,. For every day of February the past seven books will come to a head in this book na kim. Up in her life s shoulder of love, sex, and she might not like this story even you. 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From each other after all also a werewolf who has unusually inherited the gene from childhood..., homophobia, S/A el dulce Scorpius Malfoy find themselves back on the table lo que hacer! Day of February of food down in front of him, and glanced at his coffee carefully while the. In London and following his dreams in the 18th Century ; Draco is without a wife, without. La France, is not the one, and the rest of the recent Hermione big Bang.! Our blond ferret that I create while I 'm in class: p Fluff from his father 's favorite for! Of food down in front of rose and Scorpius Malfoy tienen a todo el mundo de cabeza students! 'S Hogwarts, se han casado y formado una familia con nada menos que hermione finds scorpius fanfiction. They may not be so different from each other and try to find where they belong upon Hogwarts music.! Follow Albus and Scorpius as lovers 24 Christmas Prompts loosely tied together in one fic universe forme un solo,! 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hermione finds scorpius fanfiction