Distinguished visitors and vendors will be vetted prior to the Airshow. It also provides aerial refueling support to Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and allied nation aircraft. The Blue Angels take to the skies at 2 p.m. (weather depending). The American A-20 bombers were nicknamed Havoc following British naming scheme shortly after US entered WW2. They are breath taking and unbelievable. March 26-27: Wings Over Columbus - Columbus AFB, MS. April 2-3: Shaw Air Expo/Thunder Over the Midlands - Shaw AFB, Sumter, SC. The C-40B's primary customers are the combatant commanders, and the C-40C customers include members of the Cabinet and Congress. TheTB-30 Epsilon is a single-engine basic military trainer aircraft designed and developed by France-based EADS Socata for the French Air Force. U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds F-22 Raptor Demonstration Team Ace Maker Airshows AeroShell Aerobatic Team Dacy Airshows Jim Tobul Airshows Rifle Airshows, LLC Shetterly Squadron by G&M Airshows SHOCKWAVE, AFTERSHOCK & Flash Fire Jet Trucks Vertigo Airshows. HH-60 BLACK HAWK The pilots perform approximately 30 maneuvers in a demonstration. TB-30 EPSILON The F-15EX is a ready-now replacement for the F-15C that includes best-in-class payload, range and speed. 2022 Air Show Schedule - USAF Thunderbirds Notice: Dates shown above are for jet team performances only. The aircraft provides an accurate, real-time picture of the battlespace to the Joint Air Operations Center. Airshow novelty items will be available for purchase at multiple locations on the Airshowsite. The T-33 was developed from the Lockheed P-80/F-80 starting as TP-80C/TF-80C in development, then designated T-33A. Official website of the Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) Airshow information. For more than 40 years, B-52 Stratofortresses have been the backbone of the manned strategic bomber force for the United States. In 1966, the old bomber was resurrected once more when the improved B-26K Counter Invader returned to Southeast Asia for ground-attack missions along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Will there be a drop-off location near the viewing areas? The B-52 is capable of dropping or launching the widest array of weapons in the U.S. inventory. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The C-40B's primary customers are the combatant commanders, and the C-40C customers include members of the Cabinet and Congress. The USAF variants also execute on scene CSAR command and control, airdrop pararescue forces and equipment, and are also capable of providing aerial refueling to appropriately equipped USAF, US Army, USN, USMC, and NATO/Allied helicopters in flight. Thunderbirds Schedule 2022 May May 14-15: Fairchild Air Force Base (Washington) May 21-22: Dover Air Force Base (Delaware) May 25: Colorado Springs (Colorado) May 29: Indianapolis Motor Speedway (Indiana) June June 4-5: Fort Wayne (Indiana) June 11-12: Ocean City (Maryland) June 18-19: Grand Forks AFB (North Dakota) June 25-26: Hill AFB (Utah) July Four turbofans, mounted under 35-degree swept wings, power the KC-135 to takeoffs at gross weights of up to 322,500 pounds. It represented the second of the three stages of pilot training -- primary, basic and advanced. F-16 VIPER In all, the pilots perform approximately 20 maneuvers during the full demonstration that lasts approximately 45 minutes. AT-37 DRAGONFLY/SUPER TWEET The Great Texas Airshow is free and open to the general public. For more information reach out to: stbirds@seattlethunderbirds.com. There are under 21 seats available for purchase in the beer garden. It will replace the U.S. Air Forces aging fleet of F-16 Fighting Falcons and A-10 Thunderbolt IIs, which have been the primary fighter aircraft for more than 20 years, and bring with it an enhanced capability to survive in the advanced threat environment in which it was designed to operate. TheBoeingB-29 Superfortress was the most sophisticated propeller-driven bomber of World War II and the first bomber to house its crew in pressurized compartments. TG-15A In addition, it can carry the conventional cruise missile that was launched in several contingencies during the 1990s, starting with Operation Desert Storm and culminating with Operation Iraqi Freedom. At the aerobatic gross weight of 1600 lbs., the RV-7/7A complies with the +6/-3G standards of the FAAs Aerobatic Category and can still carry two people, making it possible for a new pilot to get aerobatic instruction before he or she starts rolling and looping. The T-6 Texan, built by North American Aviation, was designed as an advanced trainer. Its primary mission is to transport cargo and personnel for the Department of Defense. Originally designated the TF-80C, the T-33 made its first flight in 1948. These capabilities are enhanced through secure, interoperable, net-ready systems. The F-35A Lightning II is the U.S. Air Forces newest fifth-generation fighter. At its core, the Viper is still one of the most maneuverable aircraft in the world. **This list will be updated as performer information becomes available. https://www.aviation.marines.mil/About/Aircraft/Tilt-Rotor/, https://www.barksdale.af.mil/About-us/Fact-Sheets/Article/637065/b-52-stratofortress/, https://www.388fw.acc.af.mil/F-35A-Demo-Team/, https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/1529726/c-17-globemaster-iii/, https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104552/thunderbirds/, www.greattexasairshow.com/directions-parking-info/, https://www.flickr.com/photos/jbsapublicaffairs/albums, 2017 Joint Base San Antonio Air Show & Open House, Joint Base San Antonio Air Show & Open House 2017, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. If errors or issues with eTIX, who is the POC for that? The B-52 also played a role in Operation Iraqi Freedom. S Navy, under an Army contract, acquired 40 NJ-1s. The C-40 B/C provides safe, comfortable and reliable transportation for U.S. leaders to locations around the world. The aircraft can perform tactical airlift and airdrop missions and can transport litters and ambulatory patients during aeromedical evacuations. AirDotShow also support the NASSFs Cajun Scholarship founded to honor fallen Thunderbird pilot Stephen Cajun Del Bagno. The MX2 is a well-mannered aircraft that is both durable and easy to fly. The F-15 Eagle is an all-weather, extremely maneuverable, tactical fighter designed to permit the Air Force to gain and maintain air supremacy over the battlefield. The CJ-6 (basic trainer aircraft) is an all-original Chinese design that is commonly mistaken for a Yak-18A. Wagons are authorized, but umbrellas are not. The conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) F-35A gives the U.S. Air Force and allies the power to dominate the skies anytime, anywhere. The HC-130H Hercules and HC-130J Super Hercules versions are operated by the United States Coast Guard in a SAR and maritime reconnaissance role. Will public roadways be closed during the Airshow? This unique asset enhances the Air Force's capability to accomplish its primary mission of global reach. Long after fighter jets took over the stage, the P-51 remained. Its combination of stealth, supercruise, maneuverability, and integrated avionics, coupled with improved supportability, represents an exponential leap in warfighting capabilities. Traffic flow, base entry and parking information can be found at www.greattexasairshow.com/directions-parking-info/. Threats to U.S. interests have changed in recent years, and the size and weight of U.S.-mechanized firepower and equipment have grown in response to improved capabilities of potential adversaries. During Desert Storm, B-52s delivered 40 percent of all the weapons dropped by coalition forces. It provides air assault, general support, aeromedical evacuation, command and control, and special operations support to combat, stability and support operations. F-15E STRIKE EAGLE With its aerodynamic performance and advanced integrated avionics, the F-35A will provide next-generation stealth, enhanced situational awareness, and reduced vulnerability for the United States and allied nations. Gen. Mark Kelly, commander of Air Combat Command, certified the Thunderbirds after a rigorous four-month-training season. EC145 Is there a special entrance for military personnel? The RT-33A, a reconnaissance version made primarily for use by foreign countries, had a camera installed in the nose and additional equipment in the rear cockpit. The T-6A Texan II is a single-engine, two-seat primary trainer designed to train Joint Primary Pilot Training, or JPPT, students in basic flying skills common to U.S. Air Force and Navy pilots. It could also hold a fully assembled jeep or a 37 mm cannon. P-39 AIRCOBRA The F-35A is an agile, versatile, high-performance, 9g capable multirole fighter that combines stealth, sensor fusion and unprecedented situational awareness. Do you have T-shirts, caps, etc., for sale? of baggage and full tanks: 42 gallons. There are multiple versions of the UH-60 Black Hawk, including the UH-60M and the UH-60V. Not all P-63As had nose mounted machine guns. Two fins and rudders increased the pilot's ability to maintain control. The wartime Mustangs were lifesavers, constructed with a two-section fuselage of aluminum and a unique radiator whose exhaust actually produced jet thrust. when we leave, i get a little sad that I have to wait until the following year. In the Pacific, B-29s delivered a variety of aerial weapons: conventional bombs, incendiary bombs, mines, and two nuclear weapons. The T-1A differs from its commercial counterpart with structural enhancements that provide for increased bird strike resistance and an additional fuselage fuel tank. P-51D MUSTANG About one year later President Franklin D. Roosevelts administration announced the Army Air Corps would begin training black military pilots, and the place to do it was Tuskegee, Alabama. It will also be a key event celebrating the 75th anniversary of the U.S . The aerial event is featuring the U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron "Thunderbirds," the F-35A Lightning II Demonstration Team, Tora! In the distance youll see the solos catch or rejoin the diamond to form the delta formation,dramatically increasing the difficulty of flying in close proximity. A total of 744 B-52s were built with the last, a B-52H, delivered in October 1962. The F/A-18 A-D is employed in Marine Corps fighter attack squadrons, U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Reserve squadrons, the Navy Flight Demonstration Team (Blue Angles), and various other fleet support roles. Its hose and drogue system adds additional mission capability that is independently operable from the refueling boom system. It is highly effective when used for ocean surveillance, and can assist the U.S. Navy in anti-ship and mine-laying operations. In this latter role, they are primarily used to extend the range and endurance of combat search and rescue helicopters. The Lightning II is a stealthy, multirole, all-weather air-to-air and surface attack fighter. The C-17 is designed to airdrop 102 paratroopers with their accompanying equipment. The F-16 Fighting Falcon is a compact, multi-role fighter aircraft. Will there be a motorized wheelchair (scooters, etc.) The Scorpion aircraft is capable of performing air defense, irregular warfare, border patrol, maritime security, disaster relief and counter-drug missions. While the aircraft is also equipped with high-quality weapon systems, it also has an open architecture to allow for expansion. Place a $25 deposit today and hold your seat for the return of Thunderbirds Hockey. No. It can carry oversized cargo over intercontinental ranges and can take off and land on relatively short runways. The A-10C Thunderbolt II is the first Air Force aircraft specially designed for close air support of ground forces. The tip of Fort Pickens is almost directly across the from NAS Pensacola. AWACS provides situational awareness of friendly, neutral and hostile activity, command and control of an area of responsibility, battle management of theater forces, all-altitude and all-weather surveillance of the battle space, and early warning of enemy actions during joint, allied, and coalition operations. The T-6 Texan, built by North American Aviation, was designed as an advanced trainer. Derived from the 1935 North American NA-16 prototype, a cantilever low-wing monoplane, the Texan filled the need for a basic combat trainer during WWII and beyond. The planes horizontally opposed four-cylinder engine can generate 90 horsepower and a G-force ranging from -3 to +5. We encourage all visitors to take photos and videos throughout the event. When the two solos cross over the crowd in afterburner, it signals that all six jets are coming together. This aircraft is a modified SubSonex Jet, otherwise known as JSX003. Based out of Florida, the Blue Angels are known for their new navy blue and yellow twin-engine F/A-18 Super Hornets. The E-2 Hawkeye is the Navy's all-weather, carrier-based tactical battle management airborne early warning, command and control aircraft. A-26 COUNTER INVADER Still operational, the aircraft are employed in the first stage of flight training for prospective Naval aviators and also provide aerobatic familiarization for future Naval Flight Officers. The whole show in Cocoa Beach this year was great. Later versions, had a second seat and dual controls and were assigned the TF model number. It could also hold a fully assembled jeep or a 37 mm cannon. Preliminary US Air Force Thunderbirds 2024 Air Show Schedule (as of 12/13/22) February 11: Super Bowl Flyover - Las Vegas, NV February 18: Daytona 500 Flyover - Daytona, FL March 23-24: Luke Days Air and Space Expo - Luke AFB, AZ April 6-7: The Great Texas Airshow - JB San Antonio, TX April 9-14: SUN 'n FUN Aerospace Expo - Lakeland, FL Visitors are highly encouraged to bring their own for ease of use or comfort. It can carry nuclear or precision guided conventional ordnance with worldwide precision navigation capability. The 37mm cannon that fired through the propeller hub was kept as well as the two synchronized .50 caliber machine guns in the nose and two additional .50 caliber guns located in under-wing pods, similar to the P-39Q. Whatever the original intent, it made the Mitchell rock solid and controllable if an engine quit. The C-17 Globemaster III is the most flexible cargo aircraft to enter the airlift force. The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds have announced an updated schedule for the 2023 season. The C-5M is a modernized version of the legacy C-5 designed and manufactured by Lockheed Martin. The American A-20 bombers were nicknamed Havoc following British naming scheme shortly after US entered WW2. A-20 HAVOC A typical RV-7 can hold two FAA standard pilots, 100 lbs. The Mustang served in nearly every combat zone during WWII, and later fought in the Korean War. The C-5M is a modernized version of the legacy C-5 designed and manufactured by Lockheed Martin. The T-6 was used to train most of the Allied pilots that flew in World War II. The North American Aviation T-6 Texan was a single-engine advanced trainer aircraft used to train pilots of the U.S. Army Air Forces, U.S. Navy, Royal Air Force and other air forces of the British Commonwealth during World War II and into the 1950s. Pacific Airshow in Huntington Beach | September 30 - October 2, 2022. The C-17 is capable of rapid strategic delivery of troops and all types of cargo to main operating bases or directly to forward bases in the deployment area. AC-130W STINGER II Please view the prohibited items list at www.greattexasairshow.com, Can we bring a wagons to carry folding chairs and umbrellas? 2022 Air Show Schedule - USN Blue AngelsDate(s)EventLocationOct 22-23NAS JAX Air Show - Birthplace of the Blue Angels 2022Jacksonville, FLOct 29-30CAF Wings Over Houston Airshow 2022Houston, TXNov 5-6Atlanta Air Show 2022Peachtree City, GANov 11-12Blue Angels Homecoming Air Show 2022Pensacola, FL. The two-place T-33 jet was designed for training pilots already qualified to fly propeller-driven aircraft. The USAAC and USAAF designated it as the AT-6, the U.S. Navy the SNJ, and British Commonwealth air forces, the Harvard, the name it is best known by outside of the U.S. With its aerodynamic performance and advanced integrated avionics, the F-35A will provide next-generation stealth, enhanced situational awareness, and reduced vulnerability for the United States and allied nations. The Cessna A-37 Dragonfly, or Super Tweet, is an American light attack aircraft developed from the T-37 Tweet basic trainer in the 1960s and 1970s by Cessna of Wichita, Kansas. The squadron's C-130 ("Fat Albert") is manned by an all-Marine Corps crew and was not designed for carrier operations. U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds To support Air Force recruiting and retention programs; To reinforce public confidence in the Air Force and to demonstrate to the public the professional competence of Air Force members; To strengthen morale and esprit de corps among Air Force members; To support Air Force community relations and people-to-people programs; and. When configured for passengers, the UH-1N can seat up to 13 people, but actual passenger loads are dependent on fuel loads and atmospheric conditions (may be less). It is also used to support navigator training for the Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and international services. The aircraft is also assigned to the Air Force Reserve Command's 307th Bomb Wing at Barksdale Air Force Base. C-40B/C B-52s struck wide-area troop concentrations, fixed installations and bunkers, and decimated the morale of Iraq's Republican Guard. 2022 Schedule: March 19-20 - Luke AFB, AZ March 26-27 - Columbus AFB, MS. April 2-3 - Shaw AFB, SC The United States Air Force Thunderbirds have released their performance schedule for the 2022 air show season. The improved F-15EX also features a deep magazine that will allow it to carry a load of advanced weapons yet with a 28 percent larger payload than the F-15E. NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. The United States Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, often known as the "Thunderbirds," lately accomplished their certification for the 2022 show season. The KC-135 Stratotanker provides the core aerial refueling capability for the United States Air Force and has excelled in this role for more than 60 years. https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104552/thunderbirds/. The 37mm cannon that fired through the propeller hub was kept as well as the two synchronized .50 caliber machine guns in the nose and two additional .50 caliber guns located in under-wing pods, similar to the P-39Q. With greater refueling, cargo and aeromedical evacuation capabilities compared to the KC-135, the KC-46A will provide next generation aerial refueling support to Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and partner-nation receivers. https://www.barksdale.af.mil/About-us/Fact-Sheets/Article/637065/b-52-stratofortress/ The EC145, certified under the name BK117 C-2, is a twin-engine, multi-purpose helicopter of the 3 to 4-ton class with up to 11 seats for pilot/s and passengers. PENSACOLA, Fla. (WKRG) The 2022 Blue Angels Homecoming Air Show is coming to Naval Air Station Pensacola in November. The AC-130W Stinger II Precision Strike Package modification provides ground forces an expeditionary, persistent direct-fires platform that delivers precision low-yield munitions, ideally suited for close air support and urban operations. Most of the Thunderbirds performance features alternating maneuvers performed by the diamond and the solos. Redesignated as the B-26 in 1948, the Invader served again during the Korean War (1950-1953), mainly as a night intruder against North Korean supply lines. The improved F-15EX also features a deep magazine that will allow it to carry a load of advanced weapons yet with a 28 percent larger payload than the F-15E. Pilots enter the T-6A cockpit through a side-opening, one-piece canopy that has demonstrated resistance to bird strikes at speeds up to 270 knots. MV-22 Osprey If your unit/ organization wants to earn money they can volunteer to work for the master concessionaire to man a food booth. All B-52s can be equipped with two electro-optical viewing sensors, a forward-looking infrared and advanced targeting pods to augment targeting, battle assessment, and flight safety, thus further improving its combat ability. The aircraft had two Wright R-2600-7 Double Cyclone air-cooled radial engines with turbo superchargers rated at 1,700hp each, 4x7.7mm forward machine guns, 2x2x7.7mm machine guns in an open dorsal position, 1x7.7mm machine gun at ventral tunnel, and 2x7.7mm rear machine guns. Similarly, the competition team represents the Air Force by competing with teams from around the country in 6-way speed formations, 4-way relative work, 2-way free fly, and sport accuracy. F-22 RAPTOR Possessing excellent range and maneuverability, the P-51 operated primarily as a long-range escort fighter and also as a ground attack fighter-bomber. It was intended to be a transition between basic trainers and first-line tactical aircraft. F-15C that includes best-in-class payload, range and maneuverability, the VIPER is still one of battlespace... Maritime security, disaster relief and counter-drug missions in World War II, interoperable, systems! 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