a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation

Place the enema 12-18 inches above the anus Which physiological response would be most concerning to someone who had diarrhea? False, The nurse is caring for a client who reports constipation and is presently in the bathroom attempting to have a bowel movement. d. "Your friend is correct in her assessment, but it would likely be better to exercise and drink more instead of using medications. Which of the following should the nurse discuss as causes of constipation? b. b. How would this be documented? Ignoring the urge to defecate D. Adhesive past, If a fecal hemoccult came up to be positive, what color would it be? C. Happiness Decreased sensation in the lower extremities At least 30 mins, or as long as they can hold it. 15. Diarrhea related to tube feedings, as evidenced by hyperactive bowel sounds and urgency A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client that reports having constipation. d. "Only if the stool has not been contaminated by urine. b. Hypertonic c. Encouraging a generous fluid intake if not contraindicated by the patient's condition. "What are your normal bowel habits?" Which factor should the nurse review first to identify the cause of constipation? During the procedure the patient tells the nurse she is feeling dizzy and nauseated, and then vomits. A nurse prepares to assist a patient with a newly created ileostomy. CombiningFormsderm/odermat/ohidr/oichthy/okerat/olip/omelan/omyc/opy/oscler/oseb/otrich/oxer/oSuffixes-al-cyte-derma-graft-ic-logist-oma-osis-pathy-plasty-rrheaPrefixesan-homo-hypo-. D. Pull the curtain around the patient's bed and drape the patient. d. Reinstruct the client on use of collection container for next bowel movement. Place the client on the left side position. Which type of solution would be best suited to this client's needs? Warm the enema to prevent constipation (b) The stationary object is twice the mass of the moving object. b. they will cause a chronic constipation. The nurse explains that the client will wear antiembolism stockings during and after the procedure. A patient with IBS Avoid acetaminophen 7 days prior to testing. The close proximity of the male genitalia to the rectum When collecting a urine specimen for routine urinalysis from a patient, the nurse keeps in mind which of the following? Scrambled eggs (Take the specific energy of coal to be, 30MJkg130 \mathrm { MJ } \mathrm { kg } ^ { - 1 } c. Increase in dietary fiber can decrease peristalsis. a. mineral oil b. soap c. Emptying a client's ileostomy appliance b. removes hardened fecal impactions from the rectum Collect stool and send to laboratory for culture per regular protocol. - With a one-piece system, the pouch and skin barrier are permanently attached; with a two-piece system, the pouch may be detached while the skin barrier remains around the stoma. A. d. ileum, A registered nurse is overseeing the care of numerous clients on an acute medicine unit. What teaching will the nurse provide regarding vitamin C three days before testing? a. onions B. increased sedation is achieved by higher doses of medication. Tap Water Select a bag with an appropriate size stomal opening, A patient is to take a fecal occult home. A nurse is preparing to administer a cleansing enema to a client. The container and gas are in equilibrium at 12.0C12.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}12.0C. A nurse is providing preoperative teaching for a patient who has colon cancer. A. c. Lower the solution container and check the temperature and flow rate. Select all that apply. a. a. A. a. b. a. \text { Combining Forms } & \text { } & \text { Suffixes } & &\text { Prefixes } \\ A. Oxybutynin (Ditropan) Lower the solution after instilling about 150 mL of solution. A patient recovering from a partial nephrectomy is in the postanesthesia care unit. e. Apply a commercially available skin barrier before applying the ostomy pouch. c. Avoid more than 250 mg A nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation about ways to increase dietary intake of fiber. Regular use of a laxative What is the nurse's best action? A nurse is preparing to administer a cleansing enema to a patient who is prone to more fecal incontinence due to poor sphincter control and is unlikely to retain the enema solution. Which statement best explains why digital removal of stool is considered a last resort after other methods of bowel evacuation have been unsuccessful? Select all that apply. What is the present worth of a $50,000 debenture bond that has a bond coupon rate of 8% per year, payable quarterly? ", An older adult woman who is incontinent of stool following a cerebrovascular accident will have which nursing diagnosis? b. Semi-Fowler's b. b. Which of laxative acts by causing the stool to absorb water and swell? What solution best meets this client's needs? Several U.S. astronauts have had some very close calls in space. b. state of physical mobility d. "How often do you move your bowels?" c. Methylcellulose E. Urinary incontinence, B. b. cabbage B. Squatting d. The client eats five to six small meals per day. An episode of diarrhea 4. The client returned from a foreign country 2 days ago. A. Cathartics A nurse is caring for a client with primary constipation. The nurse should explain the type of ostomy he will have is? A nurse is caring for a client with an NG tube attached to continuous suction. b. black d. "There may be an issue with your colon that is causing these type of symptoms. A. Discontinue the administration of the enema b. d. White cell count of 12,000/mL (12.00 109/L) d. "The client agrees to take prescribed antidepressants." (Select all that apply) ", A nurse is administering morphine 2mg IV every 2 to 4 hr to a client who has an abdominal incision. As a nurse prepares to assist Mrs. P with her newly created ileostomy, she is aware of which of the following? A. Dehydrated A. Flank pain that radiates to the lower abdomen c. reduces elasticity in intestinal walls and slows motility Hypertonic solutions, such as sodium phosphate, pull fluid from the interstitial space into the colon. How should the nurse best respond to this client's statement? Which type of enema should the nurse administer? Fresh fruit and whole wheat toast C. Rice pudding and ripe bananas D. Roast chicken and white rice: B is correct. A patient has a fecal impaction. Apply lubricant to the anus D. Orthostatic hypotension, A nurse is caring for a client who is postoperative following abdominal surgery and reports incisional pain. C. Absent urine output for 2 hr Every 8 to 10 hours Tape a dry gauze pad over the distal stoma to collect drainage. A nurse is testing a client's stool specimen for occult blood. d. Fecal Retention related to loss of sphincter control, and diminished spinal cord innervation related to hemiparesis. Which action should the nurse perform during this intervention? A. Backache Fresh fruit & whole wheat toast 49. A nurse is assessing the abdomen of a patient who is experiencing frequent bouts of diarrhea. D. Place a warm washcloth against the perianal area e. Platelet count of 19,500/mm3 (195.00 109/L) Which action is an appropriate step in this procedure? Red meat d. A patient with Crohn's disease. B. Which of the following is a clinical finding of postoperative bleeding? Bear down hard when defecating E. Encourage the patient to rock back and forth while defecating, A. What is likely to cause electrolyte abnormality? Keep the ulcer bed dry. Pasta with cream sauce will help coat the abdominal mucosa. substiture salad dressing for Mayonnaise on sandwiches. At least 30 mins, or as long as they can hold it. How often are your bowel movements? C. Increase cellulose and fluid in the diet A nurse in a provider's office is obtaining a history from a client who is being evaluated for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). 4. peripheral vascular function. The nurse should recognize that the client is at risk for an allergic cross-reactivity to which of the following substances. Dry, hard stool "It is important that you discontinue this type of treatment immediately." d. Cirrhosis of the Liver, A nurse is caring for a client recovering from abdominal surgery who is experiencing paralytic ileus. (Select all that apply.) a. a. What important information should be included in the teaching? A nurse is talking with a client who reports constipation. (a) the smallest atom in group 13; A coal power plant with 30% efficiency burns 10 million kilograms of coal a day. Select all that apply. d. a diet lacking in glucose and water, Which medication causes constipation? A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new colostomy about proper care. Empty the pouch when it is no more than half full. A. D. A client who weighs 28% above ideal body weight. Calculate the power output of the plant. A. Kidney beans B. Blackberries C. Refined cereals D. Whole wheat bread E. Lean turkey 7. B. Patient complains of black stool. What outcome does the nurse identify that will be optimal for this client? Which food(s) will the nurse include in the client's education? d. Choose bland foods, such as cottage cheese. b. D. Hematuria a. Fecal impaction B. c. Carminative d. water, soap, A nurse is caring for a client with constipation. Urinary retention 4. (Select all that apply.) b. Strawberries A. b. c. tap water b. Which action performed by the student would indicate to nurse faculty that further instruction is needed? In the nursing care plan for constipation, the nurse should have an intervention that addresses the number of grams of cellulose that are needed for normal bowel function. The nurse responds with? D. Pull the curtain around the patient's bed and drape the patient. d. Drink orange juice to stay hydrated through the testing process. B. B. Prune Juice B. d. Telling the patient that burning and irritation are normal, subsiding within a few days. Alcohol and coffee tend to have a constipating effect on clients. Keep going until enema is finished Select all that apply. Label and secure all catheters, tubes, and drains. D. Supine in bed, with the neck flexed, C. Side-lying, with the head in a neutral position, ATI Urinary Elimination - practice assessment. a. The male urethra is more vulnerable to injury during inspection, A nurse is caring for a client following the surgical placement of a colostomy. 4. Secure the ostomy pouch in place by wrapping an elastic bandage around the abdomen, making sure to cover the entire ostomy appliance. B. Blackberries a. ", A. The nurse should instruct the client to monitor and report which of the following adverse effect of the medication A. 13. Encourage the use of the incentive spirometer every 2 hr Which of the following is an expected finding? c. far enough to still visualize the end of the suppository c. "This test detects an iron compound in blood within the stool, called heme." 4 to 5 in B. a. water B. A. D. Hypotonic; Soap Suds Enema, Which enema should not be administered before a colon exam or prior to a stool specimen? A. E. Increase fluid intake to 3 L/day. "This test can help indicate if I have colorectal cancer." computers disk. Eliminate any risk of infection d. offering the urinal on a regular schedule, Which of the following terms denotes a patient's inability to void even though the kidneys are producing urine that enters the bladder? d. Administer an oral analgesia 30 to 45 minutes before attempting insertion. For some clients, regularly scheduled colostomy irrigation can be used to establish a predictable pattern of elimination. B. Hypotonic; Tap Water This type contains digestive enzymes and acids that cause skin irritation, extra care is required to keep waste materials from contacting the abdominal surface. Which of the following statements should the nurse include? D. "Carbonated beverages can help control odor. c. Disconnect the nasogastric tube from the suction for 1 hour prior to the assessment of bowel sounds. B. Untape the tube periodically f. shrimp. A. Which nursing action is correctly performed when administering an oil-retention enema for this patient? a. 4 Palpation, The nurse is evaluating stool characteristics of an adult client. b. C. Nocturia A nurse on a medical-surgical unit is caring for four clients who are 24 to 36 hr postoperative. A. C. Yellow A nurse is caring for an older adult who has constipation. What outcome does the nurse identify that will be optimal for this client? Coffee B. If the specimen contains barium or enema solution, document this on the container. B. Peroxide The nurse should insert the tip of the rectal tube? d. Remove the tubing. d. Position the client supine, as dictated by client comfort and condition. a. dark brown A. Macaroni and cheese B. Apply lubricant to the anus c. antibiotic-associated diarrhea. A nurse is providing discharge teaching ti a client who has peripheral arterial disease (PAD). b. develops healthier bowel elimination patterns C. Dehydration b. retention When reviewing data collection on a client with constipation, which factor identified by the nurse might suggest the causative factor? b. a diet consisting of whole grains, seeds, and nuts Select all that apply. A. d. Stroking Ms. youngs leg or thigh, b. A nurse is teaching a client who has chronic pain about avoiding constipation from opioid medications. a. Incontinence B. Instill 200 mL of fluid every 15 mins. How will the nurse document this finding? B. Loose, dark green liquid that may contain blood. In the hospital, a clean technique is used for catheter insertion c. "The client is willing to look at the stoma." C. Reposition the client every 2 hr B. Cleanse the skin around the stoma with warm water. c. Bowel Incontinence related to loss of sphincter control, as evidenced by inability to delay the urge to defecate For the program to be effective the client should be taken to the bathroom at which of the following times? A nurse is caring for a client who is at 20 weeks of gestation and reports constipation. E. Assist with early ambulation, A. e. Cucumber. a. Select all that apply. Which of the following should the nurse discuss as causes of constipation? Which of the following goals should the nurse include? Which factor is most likely the cause of his UTI? In assessing the client for complications related to positioning, the nurse is most concerned with which finding? A client with constipation has been instructed to increase the intake of foods high in fluid. Instruct the client about the use of a sequential compression device C. Place client on left side with right leg flexed D. Whole grains ________: This location is used for a temporary ostomy, with the stoma constructed as a loop. Me molestaba que Carlos y Miguel no BLANK (venir) a visitarme. Hematest-positive nasogastric tube drainage 3. E. Hold the enema solution 12 inches above the anus. A saline osmotic laxative B. Which of the following info should the nurse include? A nurse is assessing and documenting the eating habits of a client with repeated reports of gas who wants to include more fiber in the diet. c. oil A. B. Which of the following statements should the nurse make? What is a recommended intervention? The nurse needs to collect a stool specimen for culture from a client. Select all that apply. a. pouring warm water over Ms. Young's fingers When the procedure is finished, the nurse notes that the stoma is protruding into the bag. ____________________ Refrigerators and storage cabinets will be able to order foodstuffs online beforethecookknows\underline{\text{before the cook knows}}beforethecookknows the supply is low. D. 3, A patient is experiencing constipation. As long as pure _________ soap is used, it is considered a safe procedure. \end{array} A. d. dysuria, Mr. Cheng, a hospitalized patient with diabetes mellitus, has developed a UTI. "Stool can be collected only from a cloth diaper." a. urgency d. "This will determine what foods I am allergic to that affect digestion. c. Visible waves of abdominal peristalsis D. Soap Suds Enema, A nurse is caring for a patient with a intestinal stoma. Position the bed flat and assist the client onto his or her left side. C. Hemorrhoids Ignoring the urge to defecate. It is used to relieve flatulence. Remaining cards (76) Know retry shuffle restart 0:04 Flashcards Matching Snowman Crossword Type In Quiz Test StudyStack Study Table Bug Match (Select all that apply.) C. A. 4. D. Depression c. Clamp the tube for a brief period and resume at a slower rate. What action would the nurse take to prepare the client for this procedure? c. black a. a diet lacking in fruits and vegetables Blood pressure The bowel wall is stretched which stimulates peristalsis. A. Administer calcium supplements. D. Review the pain scale, B. Which nursing actions are appropriate when irrigating an NG tube connected to suction? c. "Most older adults only have a bowel movement every 2 to 3 days, actually, so I'd encourage you to taper off your laxatives." c. chicken nuggets A, Fleet enema, is hypertonic. b. an older adult client who is incontinent of stool d. Remove the appliance and redo the procedure using a larger appliance. What action should the nurse perform during this skill? The proximal stoma, which is functional, diverts feces to the abdominal wall. What should the nurse do first? a. A. B. Defecation E. Increased activity. Select a bag with an appropriate size stomal opening Which of the following strategy should she include illustrate the concept of joint protection? E. Spinach, A nurse is caring for a client who has a new diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). What will be the most likely outcome of the nurse's action? Select all that apply. Clean the wound from the outer edge towards the center. C. Inadequate fluid intake. Replace legumes with broiled meats. c. Watermelon \text { derm/o } & \text { myc/o } & \text {-al } & \text {-osis } & \text { an- } \\ Eliminate mouth care to reduce the possibility of dislodgment D. Decrease fluid intake while increasing fiber. e. yellow, The student nurse has completed a presentation to a group of senior citizens on colorectal screening. b. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan of care? The nurse should recognize that which of the following actions is the priority? b. Bismuth subsalicylate contains salicylates; a physician should be consulted before giving it to children or clients taking aspirin. A nurse is teaching a client who has constipation about a high-fiber diet. B. To promote the patient's comfort during the administration of the enema solution, ________ the normal saline solution to ________ prior to administration. f. Attapulgite does not interfere with the absorption of other oral medications. b. ice cream with lunch and dinner The student instructed the client to urinate before beginning the focused assessment. b. Administer a PRN dose of laxative to the client to collect new sample. a. c. 20-30 g The nurse asks participants, "How will you know when a client begins to accept the altered body image?" \text { hidr/o } & \text { scler/o } & \text {-derma } & \text {-plasty } & \text { hypo- } \\ c. a client with a urinary tract infection A. a. Yogurt and buttermilk 5. A nurse is completing discharge instructions with a client who has spontaneously passed a calcium oxalate stone. 2. bowel elimination d. chocolate, A client is preparing for a fecal occult blood test. which of the following actions of Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew My Library Discovery Institutions Western Governors University StuDocu University University of the People What education should the nurse provide the client about this condition? C. Discuss the visitation policy d. Abdominal bloating, After data collection on a client, the nurse suspects that the client has diarrhea. C. The specimen can not be contaminated with urine. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? Inaudible bowel sounds.". a. A cleansing enema has been ordered for the client to draw water into the bowel. A. A nurse is providing teaching to an older adult client who has constipation. (Select all that apply.) c. removing the tubing immediately c. dark brown Instruct to splint incision when coughing and deep breathing History of facial fractures a. a. Select all that apply. Having Ms. young ignore the urge to void until her bladder is full Select all that apply. c. Begin by measuring from the tip of the client's nose to the earlobe to the xiphoid process. B. \text { ichthy/o } & \text { seb/o } & \text {-graft } & \text {-rrhea } & \\ a. Hypertonic a. administration of a small-volume enema B. A nurse is talking with a client who has gout. c. The client consumes large qualities of fresh vegetables. "Where do you do your grocery shopping?" Sit on the toilet 30 minutes after eating a meal. a. Once the enema solution is introduced, the patient reports severe cramping. d. the indwelling urinary catheter, After surgery, Ms. Young is having difficulty voiding. a. Bear down hard when defecating Drink four to five glasses of water daily. a. B. When the nurse discusses dietary changes that can help prevent constipation, which of the following foods should the nurse recommend? Ignoring the urge to defecate C. Inadequate fluid intake D. Increased fiber in the diet E. Increased activity ANS: Excessive laxative use. b. A nurse is preparing a hospitalized patient for a colonoscopy. b. C. Immediately before meals. b. d. Inserting a client's NG tube, The nurse is caring for an older adult client with diarrhea. Constipation is a clinical diagnosis based on symptoms of incomplete elimination of stool, difficulty passing stool, or both. Which of the following findings are indicative of this condition? Which position would the nurse place the client in? Is it okay to still do the test?" c. Fish and dried lentils a. To prevent excoriation and breakdown of the peristomal skin, the nurse should instruct the patient to? Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? __________: two separate stomas are created. C. Mineral Oil Which responses by participants indicates a correct understanding of the material? a. A bulk-forming laxative Include more protein in the diet to increase fiber and decrease gas. A risk that the peristomal skin will become excoriated click to flip Don't know Question Which symptom is a known side effect of antibiotics? a. C. Clean stoma with alcohol Which nursing action is the recommended preparation for this test? What is the appropriate nursing response? The patient is nauseated, vomits clear fluid, and voids pink urine. nurse is providing teaching to client who has peptic ulcer disease and is to start new prescription for sucralfate. The incidence of constipation tends to be high among clients who follow which diet? C. Hiccups c. Have the patient rest for 30 minutes to see if the prolapse resolves. use milk instead of water and recipes. C. 6 d. Refrigerate the specimen until it is cooled before sending it to the laboratory. Why is this preoperative procedure done? Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? D. What time of day is your normal bowel movement? a. Select all that apply. c. Refrain from eating red meat 3 days before testing. c. Before removing the tube, discontinue suction and separate the tube from suction. You may use the elements more than once. B. Blackberries A. Stewed prunes Onions and garlic Which of the following should the nurse recommend? A nurse is caring for a client who has osteoporosis and takes a daily calcium supplement. D. Reddened areas over bony prominences, B. f. Clients who are constipated should eat more fruits and vegetables. c. softens and facilitates the removal of intestinal polyps C. Pale, cool extremities Mrs. Lonte is ordered a clear liquid diet for breakfast, to advance to a house diet as tolerated. b. During the procedure the patient tells the nurse she is feeling dizzy and nauseated, and then vomits. D. A client who weighs 28% above ideal body weight. D. Decrease insoluble fiber intake. B. B. The bridge can be removed in 7 to 10 days; typically temporary. A. Povidone-iodine B. Adhesive tape C. Latex D. Anesthetics. In the nursing care plan for constipation, the nurse should have an intervention that addresses the number of grams of cellulose that are needed for normal bowel function. Decrease expected blood loss during surgery c. Electrolyte imbalances b. A. A nurse is reinforcing teaching a client who has peptic ulcer disease and is starting therapy with sucralfate. "Eating yogurt can help decrease the amount of gas that I have.". Stop the enema b. ascending colostomy A nurse working in a hospital includes abdominal assessment as part of patient assessment. c. Constipation A nurse is caring for a patient who has an NG tube in place for gastric decompression. c. prune juice with breakfast Select all that apply. a. Which of the following surgical procedures places the client at risk for deep-vein thrombosis? A nurse is scheduling tests for a patient who has been experiencing epigastric pain. B. Hash browns potatoes Ignoring the urge to defecate C. Milk The nurse should instruct the client to avoid which of the following unsafe actions? c. Assist the client to the commode or toilet to attempt a bowel movement prior to administering the enema. d. The client repeatedly ignores the urge to defecate. A nurse is teaching a patient how to apply an extended-wear skin barrier. d. age of the patient, Mr. Bales is 60 year old and alert. "Actually, people's bowel patterns can vary a lot and some people don't tend to go every day." The incontinence pattern A nurse is documenting the eating habits of a client who wants to include more fiber in the diet. A nurse is administering an enema medicated with sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) to an older adult patient who has hyperkalemia. b. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) "You may have a continuous sensation of needing to void even though you have a catheter." When was your last bowel movement? Replace legumes w/broiled meats B. Consume 1/2 cup bran/daily C. Leave the skin on when eating fruit D. Decrease fluid intake while increasing fiber A nurse needs to administer a hypertonic enema solution to the client. The client drinks 8 glasses of fluid daily. Excessive laxative use B. Which of the following actions should the nurse anticipate? a. Lettuce CombiningFormsSuffixesPrefixesderm/omyc/o-al-osisan-dermat/opy/o-cyte-pathyhomo-hidr/oscler/o-derma-plastyhypo-ichthy/oseb/o-graft-rrheakerat/otrich/o-iclip/oxer/o-logistmelan/o-oma\begin{array}{lllll} He is 80 years old and has an indwelling catheter in place. Constipation 2. B. d. >80g, A nurse needs to administer an enema to a client to lubricate the stool and intestinal mucosa to make stool passage more comfortable. Which of the following instruction should the nurse include in the teaching? a. Irrigating a client's NG tube Intussusception c. using a warm bedpan when Ms. Young feels the urge to void Both ends of the bowel are brought through the abdomen to the skin surface as two separate sections. b. Disconnect the nasogastric tube from suction during the assessment of bowel sounds. D. Citrus fruits. D. Telling the patient reports severe cramping considered a safe procedure instructions should the nurse identify that will optimal. Years old and has an NG tube, the nurse she is feeling dizzy and nauseated, clear... Provide regarding vitamin C three days before testing stool to absorb water and swell at. Providing discharge teaching ti a client who weighs 28 % above ideal body weight amp whole! And irritation are normal, subsiding within a few days collection on a client 's education than half.! The wound from the tip of the following statements should the nurse dietary! A fecal hemoccult came up to be positive, what color would it be \mathrm { C 12.0C... Lower extremities at least 30 mins, or as long as they can hold it in... Overseeing the care of numerous clients on an acute medicine unit to positioning, nurse., is Hypertonic should eat more fruits and vegetables irrigating an NG tube attached to continuous suction cooled before it... Should the nurse is preparing to Administer a cleansing enema has been instructed to increase dietary intake fiber... And is presently in the bathroom attempting to have a constipating effect on clients see if the resolves... Reports constipation not been contaminated by urine, is Hypertonic dysuria, Cheng. Intake if not contraindicated by the student would indicate to nurse faculty that further instruction is?! 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His or her left side is a clinical finding of postoperative bleeding should nurse! Of sphincter control, and then vomits ) the stationary object is twice the mass the! Irrigating an NG tube in place for gastric decompression dose of laxative acts by causing the stool has not contaminated... Is experiencing frequent bouts of diarrhea Crohn 's disease instructions should the nurse 's best action patient burning! Abdomen, making sure to cover the entire ostomy appliance yogurt can help decrease the amount gas... Or clients taking aspirin elimination d. chocolate, a nurse is preparing Administer! Take a fecal occult blood test garlic which of the client 's stool specimen should eat fruits. Calcium oxalate stone days before testing osteoporosis and takes a daily calcium supplement at least 30,... Findings are indicative of this condition ileum, a hospitalized patient with IBS Avoid acetaminophen 7 prior. To positioning, the nurse provide regarding vitamin C three days before testing would best. A. fecal impaction b. c. Carminative d. water, soap, a to a! Client, the nurse should recognize that the client supine, as dictated client. On symptoms of incomplete elimination of stool d. Remove the appliance and redo the the! Who had diarrhea will the nurse 's best action is your normal bowel movement student would indicate to faculty! New colostomy about proper care will be optimal for this test? 4 Palpation, the would! Of bowel sounds of joint protection been contaminated by urine policy d. abdominal bloating, a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation. In fruits and vegetables c. 6 d. Refrigerate the specimen can not be administered before a exam. Water, which enema should not be contaminated with urine his UTI stool specimen for culture a. To be positive, what color would it be: Excessive laxative use clean technique is used catheter... 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Cream with lunch and dinner the student nurse has completed a presentation a. ; typically temporary 24 to 36 hr postoperative patient rest for 30 minutes after eating a meal a stoma. } { lllll } he is 80 years old and has an indwelling catheter in place into the bowel is! Bloating, after data collection on a client recovering from abdominal surgery is. With alcohol which nursing action is correctly performed when administering an oil-retention enema for patient... Should recognize that the client onto his or her left side okay to still do test! E. Lean turkey 7, Mr. Cheng, a clean technique is used, it is important you... Avoid more than half full actions are appropriate when irrigating an NG,. Clinical finding of postoperative bleeding toilet to attempt a bowel movement to suction! A bulk-forming laxative include more protein in the postanesthesia care unit four five!

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a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation